Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Book Review: The Highly Hypnotizable Person

The Highly Hypnotizable Person,
Edited by David A. Oakley , Michael Heap , and Richard J. Brown

This is the most authoritative and comprehensive summary of hypnosis research compiled in over a decade, so anyone interested in the subject should take note. Noteworthy contrubutions include Helen Crawford on the genetics and neuropsychology, Steve Lynn on clinical correlates, Judith Rhue on the development of the underlying abilities, Donald Gorassini on enhancing hypnotizability, Graham Wagstaff on the sociocognitive view of high hypnotizability, and two superb chapters by Amanda Barnier and Kevin McConkey exploring what we now know about what it means when we say someone is highly hypnotizable. The book finishes up with a unique sort of perspective chapter, an invited independent viewpoint on the field from a psychologist previously unfamiliar with hypnosis research.

This information is too important and too interesting to leave buried in the hypnosis research specialty journals.

My review on Amazon is here.

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